Park Place Lodge

Fernie ski hill cross country trails.

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    • #5300

      It was recently posted after hearing several weeks of rumours that the ski hill is going to stop grooming the cross country ski trails because of some class action law suit the residents of the ski hill have against RCR. I think this is a crock of bird poop. Why don’t they stop grooming the ski hill. Don’t they realize that people other then residents of the ski hill use the cross country ski trails. Resorts of the canadian rockies is and will remain a small time ski hill untill they stop this kind of mentality

    • #13104

      Yep, its sucks. Hope it doen’t happen.

    • #13105

      just dont ski there…. there is TONS of free skiing to do with TONS of nature scenery/.
      no, skiing is not only for the rich…hell i dont even own an SUV and i can have fun!
      dont worry be happy

    • #13106

      edwin, Grizboy et al,

      I’d love to go XC around Fernie (I just discovered the resort through a colleague who’s there at the moment) so do you know any good links to maps etc of the area for XC?

      Incidentally, if you see a mad Scot careering down the slopes on/off a snowboard, please look out for him for me. He’s a vital part of our team & we want hime back in one piece!

      nice to see you sharing rides into town, edwin! I’m on an environmental mission at the mo & this sort of thing warms the cockles…


    • #13107
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