Park Place Lodge

Fernie Running Club

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    • #6925

      hey all, just a heads up to those who enjoy running or want to start….there is a running group that has recently started up. It is through Evolution, but you don’t need to be a member, it is free for anyone to join. There are about 5-6 running sessions a week at various times. They change so check with Evolution for the times. There aren’t set distances for the runs, whoever turns up for the run decides on where and how far they want to go.
      I have been enjoying running with this club as it is a good motivator running with different people, and also a fun way to meet new people.
      Look forward to seeing you out there on the trails!!!

    • #15278

      Hi there :-) My husband and I are coming to Fernie next month for a year and he would be iterested in joining your running group. Where do you guys meet? We are renting a place in Ridgemont Dve, I used to live in Fernie so I know most places…albeit quite a few years ago :-)


    • #15279

      hey Anne, we normally meet at the Evolution gym which is on the cnr or 12th St and 8th Ave. Just let your husband know to call 423 3344 to find out the times that we’re meeting at!

    • #15280

      Cheers mate :-)

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