Park Place Lodge

eye opener

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    • #6111

      i just got back into my hometown from a nice trip to banff. i had planned to stay until summer but i couldn’t take it. such a loud town, its not even a community. i was very suprised and it was so different from my eastcoast hometown of 5000. very expensive and alot of jerks. ahah. fernie looks very nice and alot quieter. looks very nice. a place were u could get to know the people surrounding you, i’m not sure id want to make the leap again since the last one cost me. it was worth it though, i got to see the mountains eh. ahah did some skiing. i wouldn’t mind coming to fernie to see how it feels

    • #14537

      Dude, you are so right,

      Fernie rocks, Banff sucks..

      anyone could have told you that..

      better luck next time, come to fernie in the summer, thats when you will get to know a couple of locals and will have a blast..

    • #14538
      huckin eh

      Thats why “SkiCanada” magazine listed Fernie as “Best ski town” in their annual best of skiing in Canada issue.
      We Rock, Woooohooo

    • #14539

      Fernie ……what a great little world :twisted: :twisted:
      pow pow and more pow pow

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