Park Place Lodge

Elk Valley Coal-Good company?

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    • #8095

      I may be moving to the area soon to work for Elk valley coal. Anyone here work for them and if so how are they?

      This is a big move for me so i’d like to know what i’m in for before I arrive.

      I’m into hiking, mountain biking, etc. so I know i’ll love the area.


    • #16126

      Hey man,

      I work there kinda (through a contractor). Can’t comment on how they treat their employees, but I’ve never heard a complaint so I’m assuming they do alright. Pay is good from what I’ve heard. shifts are 4 on 4 off (2 days 2 nights) which seems pretty sweet.. but I guess that’d prolly depend on where you work too.

      But it is a coal mine.. pretty dirty stuff, depending on where you are working. Lots of people work there so you are sure to have some company one way or the other. Pretty much the whole valley is employed by the mine directly or indirectly so. Not sure if u know what mine ur working at Fording River is quite a drive from Fernie (45 – 1 hr) where are Elk view is only about 20 minutes. the other three are somewhere in b/w. Thats about all the info I’ve got, not a lot but hope it helps


    • #16127

      Awesome, thanks Rob.

      Can’t remember which mine, i’ll know sometime this week if i’m coming or not. I think i’d prefer to live in Fernie than Sparwood but I guess that depends on what mine i’d be at and whether or not there is anything to rent in Sparwood. Fernie just sounds like a great little town, love hiking and mountain biking, don’t ski since tearing apart my knees skiing about 12 years ago but I think i’m gonna have to try snowboarding cause I really miss it!

      Cheers, Wayne.

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