Park Place Lodge

easy opportunity, hot dog stand 4 sale,2,000$

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    • #10937

      Brand new, custom built 6 ft wide, 8 ft long, hot dog hut. I built it with a couple carpenters over the summer, and got it certified in october[2009] from the public health inspector. It has brand new barbecue bought from canadian tire in september, kitchen supplies, and roof over the whole operation.
      it sits on a single axle trailer, and weighs under 900 lbs.
      GREAT opportunity to be your own boss for 2010.
      I got a job at the mine this fall[full-time], as well I have a couple part time jobs, so I dont have the time to invest in making the business work.
      2,000 $ and its all yours, your very own business
      contact me at
      this puppy was done up right, built by me and my 2 certified carpenter buddies. it had 4 ft high walls, sided with white siding, and capped on the top and corners with stained, water proof sanded wood.
      it has a tarp roof over the whole thing, metal frame under that .
      its certified by the health inspector, , its cheap for insurance, i just dont have any time for it anymore, and feel that it should be in someone elses hands so it gets the proper attention it deserves.

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