Drag Lift For Park

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    • #5492
      captain clawfoot

      Last season in Fernie was amazing. So good i’m coming back for another season. The only small complaint i have is that the park would totally be 10 times better if the hill could install a small rope tow or something. I heard some whispers last year that there was a small tow (face lift style) lying around the store area. Does anyone know if this is true and if there are any plans to do this. Its not a major issue in any way, its just that i’m quite lazy!!! Other than that, Fernie is life changing experience!. Lovin it. :D

    • #13426

      that small face lift style lift laying around by the shop is for the athletes on the Aerial Jump Event. It is only put up for one weekend a year. I know for sure that it won’t be put up there this year. And as far as next year… I make no more predictions because you really never know what they’re thinking. And if you read my new post about the Half Pipe. Having to hike the park is going to be the least of your worries.

    • #13427

      Avtually that one for the aerials, was FIS’s own lift that they bring to each event. I do think FAR does have one though, but that one wasn’t it

    • #13428

      hey guess what….your wrong. They didn’t bring anything to F.A.R. That lift belongs to the resort. It’s all spiffed up and ready to go for this year. I’m not sure where your getting your information from but it is wrong. They’ve had that lift for the 3 years (counting this year) the event has gone on for. I wish people wouldn’t post things if they don’t know what they’re talking about. That one was it.

    • #13429

      I was told last year by liftees that were running it on the day, that it was F.I.S’s own lift. That was my info. I am sorry if I was wrong on that.

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