Park Place Lodge

Downtown revitalisation

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    • #6019

      Congratulations to all the new businesses on 2nd Ave, whether you opened earlier this year, have just moved to a new location, are about to open, or will open in the near future. (Too many to name, which is a good thing) We still have a long way to go, but it is great to see things happening in the downtown area again.

      I havn’t picked up my shop local kit yet, but will do soon (maybe someone will get me one for Christmas!) and will continue to shop local in the meantime. Well done to everyone who was involved in such a good idea, lets hope it is a great sucess. This is something that everyone can be involved in.

      If everyone in Fernie bought just one item locally instead of in Cranbrook, Calgary or Lethbridge it would make a huge difference to our local businesses – so next time you put off a purchase in order to save the PST, think instead that you will benefit the whole community with the rest of your purchase amount if you shop local, and you’ll save the gas money!

    • #14402

      Not to mention free gift wrapping at Polar Peek Books and Ghostrider Trading Company.

      But sometimes Fernie doesn’t have what you need so travelling to another community like Cranbrook is nessesary.

    • #14403

      Most Local Banks will be Closed Mon and Tues from what I understand.
      The Machines will be working. Giving the tellers a couple days rest.
      But All local businesses will be open with boxing day sales galore.

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