Couple Seeking Room October – April

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    • #36765

      Hi there,

      Our names are Jacinta & Adrian and we are moving to Fernie in October for the ski season.

      About Ourself:
      Adrian (29) Doctor, Jacinta (25) Consultant who are an extremely social and easy going couple who are leaving our jobs for the Fernie POW! We are super keen skiers, who like wine & cheese in addition to the occasional adventure.

      What we’re looking for:
      We are seeking short term accomodation with others, but are also happy to live alone!
      Looking for chill people who are happy to be more like friends than housemates.
      We like having chats and also keeping to ourselves occassionally, so would love to share this experience with some awesome natured people!

      Email me on jac.evans888@gmail for a better chat and for any Q&A’s.

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