Park Place Lodge


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    • #5722

      exactly what do you men consider a cougar.
      believe me “getting older” doesnt make us desperate as “Bob” has stated.
      There are a lot of women of caliber that can read right thru men especially when they have that kind of attitude.
      And by the way “Bob”…how many older women have you been with??
      And thanks for your honesty,that is ~YOUR honest opinion.

    • #13936

      I have been with a few and it was a few years ago, when the older women were after the ghostriders. And the Northern was the Northern. And no offence to you, it IS just my opinion, but you asked why and that is why I (an a lot of guys who may not admit it) will hit on a cougar. And I never said ALL older women are easy.

    • #13937

      I was going to respond to this with a big spew of thoughts, but I have narrowed it done to one simple point. Sexymommy, I think you should take the energy that you put into wondering if ur a cougar, or if you’re sexy, and worrying about younger men, and channel it towards raising your kids in the best possible way. Like teaching them looks don’t matter. And that it’s not always wats on the outside that make someone sexy, it’s mostly on the inside. I can’t believe that you are an “older women” By your posts, it sounds like you are about 15 years old.

    • #13938

      Well,I wasnt expecting to be bawled out but I guess thats how things can go…I guess now i need to do some self expaining-I am now a single mother-not my choice-I met the father of my children when we were 15 years old- we married and had children-we were together for 12 years and he was killed in a work related accident. As far as my children-since their father passed away I have continued to fill their lives with things that truly matter.Whats on the outside has nothing to do with what they are taught or how we live-they are cultured and have traveled to many places around the world-they excell at school and athletics.Their teachers often tell me my children are considerate to their fellow students especially children who tend to be outcasted by other students.They are compassionate to life itself.They are taught that a healthy mind and body go hand in hand and there isnt a day that I dont wish I wasnt in the position I have been put in.That is “the single mother”
      When I made that first posting it was just the fact that since I have begun to date the only men I meet are younger than i am and i dont understand it.Plain and simple.

    • #13939

      Ur first post wasn’t “just the fact that since you started dating the only men you meet are you men”. You asked why “younger men love us older women so much.” It sounds like you have real nice children. Now alls you have to do is work on yourself. . .

    • #13940
      czar from afar

      Sounds like it is time to let up on sexymommy. The need to be right does not supercede the need to be kind, especially in this anonymous chatroom.

      Sexymommy, may good things and good relationships await you, young or old.

    • #13941


    • #13942

      Question:When did logging on to mirror watching an episode of Dr.Phil.

      Answer: May 07 2005.

    • #13943


    • #13944

      If you change “properly” to what I really said “best possible way” Then you would be right Sparkes.

    • #13945
      czar from afar

      Yo Sparkes…how YOU doin’

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