Park Place Lodge

Condo Available Until April 2010 – ASAP

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    • #10057

      1 bed Condo for rent in the Castle Mountain Condo’s complex in Fernie. Condo includes bedroom, bathroom and living room/kitchen area.

      Available immediatly for rent until April 2010. Rent is $1000 a month including bills, excluding internet, phone and cable.

      I have photos but can’t attach them for some reason, so please email me if you’d like me to forward them to you.

      For further information, please contact Heidi Berry at Fernie Central Reservations (; 1-800 622 5007 / 1-250 423 2077 x223), mentioning the advertisment posted by Katie Woodman. We had originally intended on renting the condo for the entire season but have had to pull out and remain in the UK at the last minute.

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