Park Place Lodge

Coal Discovery Tail closed to TransRockies–Letter to Editor

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    • #6387

      A couple of weeks ago I read with outrage how the Nature Conservancy of Canada decided that the TransRockies bicycle racers would not be issued a permit to use their poorly marked and overgrown trail next year. The biggest reason seems to be that if anyone finds out about the trail, they may use it, and possibly get eaten by a grizzly bear.

      First off, aren?Ç‚Äôt you Conservancy guys the ones who tell us there are almost no grizzlies left in the valley and that we shouldn?Ç‚Äôt even hunt them anymore?

      Secondly, why did you even build a trail if you don?Ç‚Äôt want anyone in this area? The animals, for the record, make their own trails. I?Ç‚Äôve even seen them.

      Thirdly, the mountain bikers will use this area once for a long race and for the most part won?Ç‚Äôt waste their time riding on a relatively flat trail the rest of the year.

      I am not a biker but I am on their side and I applaud the work these guys have done putting in trails around here. I use them every day for hiking. All their trails are well maintained and until they started building them there were very few good groomed walking trails close to home.

      You nature boys should do something useful and go chain yourselves to a tree in the Flathead and stop the un-needed coal mine. Oh yeah, you probably already guessed this, but I don?Ç‚Äôt want your Flathead Park either.


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