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    • #6548

      Who else here think that TPB is a wind-up? Surely nobody who would live here could be that ignorant and consumerist. I think he’s really a closet granola trying to stir up us passive locals into making a stand against big business destroying our town. Sometimes you have to be a little covert to get the message across.

      If TPB really loves Walmart, KFC and giant golf courses so much (and I haven’t heard much praise for anything else) then why is he in Fernie? We don’t have that stuff here, but I know where he can find it if he’d like to move elsewhere…Something just doesn’t sound genuine about these posts, or maybe that’s just the lack of genuine passion brought on by mind-numbingly bad architecture, lack of green spaces, bland product selection and brain-cell-destroying box store music? (not to mention a lack of footpaths between big box stores, so that you stay locked in your minivan and never encounter another living soul other than the grinning granny greeter at the wal-mart shopping cart station)

    • #14896
      huckin eh

      Yeah, Busted is right.
      Just another newbie from the city who is not used to putting a little effort into finding the things he needs in small downtown shops with help from great people. He’s too used to his anonymous big box store life.

      He also posts with nothing to say proving that he is only trying to quickly boost is post count so he can appear to be “Local”
      Christ I have been here over 2 years now and I’m not considered local!

      TPB, start promoting this new town that you live in for what it is!, not what YOU want it to be.

    • #14897

      I have lived here all my life, i love this City.
      Fernie is awsome.
      I’m just tring to say they should build more stores,not lots, just a tiny little bit more.
      Im not saying You should destroy wetlands and other things like, Canadian tire, and extra foods, and mcdonalds.
      I’d never want that!
      And They are going to build a golf corse! Trying to say im a lier?
      when they build it they build it! im sorry!
      I am not moving, i know lots of places were stores are.But im not MOVING!
      If i was a granola would i have a computer and a house?

      And huckin eh? this is not a new town its over 100 years old! Were have you been? And also i have been here way longer than you,since i was born!

      And How am i ignorant?

    • #14898

      I think TPB has a good opinion on the subject. but if you would have worked for a big corporation or lived in the city it would probably change your perception.
      you guys should check out the documentary “the corporation”. it’s a good business flick.

    • #14899
      huckin eh

      Lets clear this up!
      I took your for a newbie for 2 reasons!
      1) You joined this Forum 2 months ago and
      2) your attitude resembles that of a seasonal visitor used to a much bigger community seviced by big box stores and the like!

      So, therefore I thought this was a “new town” to you, not that it hasn’t existed for 100 years!
      Now If I am wrong in my assumtions, sorry, my bad!

      It just seems odd to hear a local who seems to favour big box business that will slowly deteriorate the charm of such an awesome small town community.
      I moved here to get away from that anonymous big box lifestyle, so I don’t want to see this place change into something I tried to get away from!. I don’t want to move either.

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