Park Place Lodge

BP – Fantastic Corporate Citizens

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    • #10761
      Participant … spill.html
      "Meanwhile, documents show BP downplayed the possibility of a catastrophic accident in the Gulf of Mexico.
      In its 2009 exploration plan and environmental impact analysis for the well, BP suggested it was unlikely or virtually impossible for an accident to occur that would lead to a giant crude oil spill and serious damage to beaches, fish and mammals." … tml?hpt=C1
      "Jindal suggested the response to the oil slick has so far been inadequate, saying "we continue to be concerned with BP’s ability to respond to this incident.""

    • #18809

      Truth-be-told, BP is equally as responsible as any Canadian Oil & Gas or mining company.

      Fantastic Corporate Citizen’s trend not to be in the Oil & Gas or mining industries.

    • #18808

      It is a catastrophe pure and simple. The drilling company may be guilty of negligence and / or incompetence. Energy companies farm out all stages of oil exploration. BP is of course ultimately responsible. There is really no upside to this other than BP probably hit a mighty prolific oil reservoir. It’s a shame that it happened in the Gulf of Mexico because so many people depend on it for the fisheries and energy.

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