Banking, Gear & Car

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    • #12674
      kreszent bindu

      Hi Fernie. Im new to Canada and was wondering what is a good bank to go with in Fernie? Im staying in Vancouver for a few more weeks and i would like to set up an account while im here. so A) would you recommend waiting and going with a local bank? or B) are there any national banks that have locations in both Fernie and Vancouver.

      Im also looking for a car in Vancouver. would any one recommend getting one in either Fernie or Calgary?

      My third and last question is… where would you recommend buying Snowboarding gear? i left all my stuff in Aus because i wanted to get some new gear. should I hunt around Van or again, wait until i get to fernie?

      would love to hear your feedback. will be seeing you soon!

    • #20572

      Car in Calgary,
      All major snowboard brands are represented in Fernie
      Banks, either way but there is a TD, Scotia, CIBC as well as the credit union
      Hope this helps.

    • #20573

      You can set up your bank account at any branch of the CIBC, Scotia or TD.

      Fernie has 3 great board shops that will take care of you for the season: Edge of World, Commit and BoardStiff.

      All the banks and board shops are downtown.

    • #20571
      kreszent bindu

      Thanks guys. super helpful

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