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    • #9546

      Please be aware that this site has been targeted by people pretending they want to purchase an item for sale. The person asks if you will accept a cashier cheque payment because he is overseas. You will then receive a cheque for an amount much higher than the selling price. He will ask you to send the difference by Western Union for his shipper, etc. The cheque looks real but the bank will discover weeks later that it was fraud after you have sent them the money. He usually calls himself Dr Frank Wilcok but could be going under other names (usually using Dr).

    • #17397

      Have you been subject to this fraud?

      What is the persons user name?

      Please contact me to have their account and IP banned from the site.


    • #17398

      Unfortunately this is a very common scam that takes place wherever classifieds are found. You don’t need to be a member of anything to reply to email and ask for information. Generally the English is very bad and they use "rich" sounding names. It is typically called the Western Union scam. It has been going for years.
      The safest way for online transactions is to use paypal and on line banking. You then have proof of payment if anything should happen. Also, paypal will back you if anything goes wrong. When in doubt, Don’t.

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