Any Make Up Artists in town?

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    • #9752

      My friend and I are shooting a music video in and around town and are in need of a make up artist. unfortunately we don’t really have money to pay anyone as we are making this mostly on favours, freebies, help from friends and volunteers. we are easy going people and if anyone would like to have some more experience in make up artistry or play around we are willing to hire you on board! we need someone ASAP as we want to start filiming immediately! i am not oppossed to paying in beer etc.
      please contact me at

      or the director

      rory at

      thanks a bunch! regardless if we get someone we are shooting it so if you are new to the game…it’s all good!

    • #17567

      I can definitely help out if needed! I have no "school" experience in make-up, but have done many many faces before, whether for weddings, graduations or sweet nights out. I have been in a couple photo shoots myself so have gotten my make-up done alot before, and each time take away an added tip. Anyways, I won’t write too much more, but do beleive that I have talent, more than the regular, anyways. I can do classic Marilyn Monroe, or vogue Flapper look to my own specialty, the smokey-eye, bronzed face, light lips, sexy look! haha, kinda seems weird me writing this out..
      take care,

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