Park Place Lodge

Any kiwis in Fernie

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    • #5731
      wanaka nz

      Just wondering what Fernie is like from a Kiwi perspective, Im coming over for the 05/06 season and wondering if its as good as everyone say, (im sure it is). Can you give me any pointers?

    • #13949

      There were plenty of Kiwis in Fernie, but the only ones I knew bought our van & went off travelling :) They certainly enjoyed the place, and I understand that it was a return visit.

    • #13950

      Hey there, I am a kiwi who spent the last season in Fernie. For sure there will be kiwi’s there again next year .. there were quite a few last season, heaps more Ausi’s though, but hey we’re about quality not quantity right! Nah, jokes aside – Fernie is a wicked little town, small enough that it’s super friendly, good hill, good pubs .. good people. Fully recommend it, you’ll have a sweet time. Need any more info .. pm me..

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