Park Place Lodge

2008 Olympic Boycott for Tibets liberation?

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    • #7791

      China’s president, Hu Jintao, hosted a tightly guarded ceremony for the Olympic torch in Tiananmen Square. The torch is to be carried around the world and through Tibet before the Beijing Olympics in August. It is expected to draw protests in many countries after the quelling of the recent anti-Chinese riots in Lhasa.

      Hu Jia, a well-known Chinese human-rights campaigner, was given a three-and-a-half-year prison sentence for subversion. Last month another activist, Yang Chunlin, was jailed on similar charges.

    • #15942

      Pump yer rump full of roids or hgh!! And kick some ass!! TEAM CANADA!

    • #15943

      if every one was so agaist what the good old Chines are doing why would we not just boycot made in China and hit them were it hurts and not play with the lives of hard working people doing there hardest to take home the Gold

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