2-BR luxe seasonal – NOW RENTED

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    • #9737

      Sorry, this fine home is now rented.

      This 2-BR 2 bathroom newly-built design home, located in the Fernie Annex neighbourhood, is tastefully furnished and accessorized for your winter season enjoyment.

      PM me about your vacation plans and needs for this winter. We can provide you with a turn-key house, including snow removal, hot tub maintenance, etc.

      Includes N/S, D/W, W/D, parking for 2 vehicles, utilities, heat, internet and satellite TV.
      Priced at $2,500/mth, and a bit more depending on the service level you choose.

      This home will only be rented to those who can provide impeccable references.

    • #17532

      How much is the rent?

    • #17533

      Depending on your point of view, a lot … or just the right amount. ;-)
      Certainly well over $2,500, depending on the level of service that you want.

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