Park Place Lodge

I agree with your point on “canned wildrness”, having to pay 28 bucks a night in some poorly maintained campground guarded by a wannabe cop with a clipboard surrounded by red and white license plates and 80 thousand dollar fifth wheels is long way from my definition of “protected”…. Simply put…. If it aint broke, don’t fix it.

I’m alright with logging, as long as they do it properly and leave good chunks of land alone, corridors riparian zones ect…. It’s the open pit mines and drilling that need to stay out… mclache pass to the border I figure… that big valley back there really is something else. I want to be able to hike up mountains, build a camp, shoot an elk… hang it in the trees…. Eat fresh bulltrout, get a few cords of larch for winter…Wherever I want…. Like we always have done… with none of the BS that goes along with parks… I’d image if I pulled up to Waterton with a old beat down camper, a wall tent , 3 quads, 2 chainsaws a few flats of beer and a cheap bottle of whisky the guys at the gates might look at me funny..