Park Place Lodge

I was listening to some people discuss the topic of Christmas being a celebration of the birth of Christ, and how some people are trying to make everything about Christmas politically correct and a comparison came to mind.
My birthday is October 4th. On that day, people who care about me get together and celebrate my birth. People who don’t know me or care about me don’t do anything out of the ordinary. However, if people DID get together and buy other people presents and wished other people a happy birthday just for the sake of being friendly, it would not offend me. I would be content with the few people that were celebrating my birth and not worry about other peoples motives that day as long as they were in good spirits and were letting other people in their lives know they cared about them.
So, as for Jesus Christ, I guess the question is: Would Jesus care that other people use December 25th, which is used to celebrate his birth by his followers, to celebrate their own lives and the lives of those they love and care for?
I don’t think he would mind. If October 4th became known as Gavitronmas and everyone celebrated and spent time with their family with out even knowing who I was or caring about my life, I would be happy just knowing that on that day everyone was sharing the love.
I do however have to agree that if people do not think it is right to celebrate Christmas because it has different meanings to different people, than instead of changing a Christmas tree into a “Holiday Tree” perhaps a new day of celebration should be created…and just to get the ball rolling, Gavitronmas on October 4th sounds great!