Park Place Lodge

I have three competitors locally, and 1 in Kimberly. I send all my over flow to these other business. I do operate in the summer but don’t need too. The DMO sounds like a great Idea. But I pay the Chamber to market us. However the chamber doesn’t seem to make it to any of the big Trade Shows across Canada or anywhere. So if I join the DMO they will market my business overseas and in Canada? I have articles in magaines and newspapers all over the world for free. I’m already booked for the Christmas weeks. I’ll join but I do not believe that the fees are fair for small business vs larger tour business. If I put it this way a raft company can take out 4 rafts with 8 people in each raft and charge $95 each everyday of their season. I can take four people at $200 each only when there is snow once a day or twice a day if I’m lucky. I don’t make money dogsledding I do it to provide an experience for people. My dogs eat everyday 365 days a year, this cost money. Rafts don’t eat in the winter or the summer. I just feel that the fees are completely out to lunch.