
This seems to be an on going battle of insults. I have not been able to post a reply as something was wrong with my account until today, but have been reading this bickering. I have been a member for a couple years now and enjoy seeing what people have to say. I am not a local to fernie, no, just been here a few years, I do live with a local who was born in the hospital where the Pub now stands.
I am not a “redneck’ or a “hippy” or whatever names there may be, but I do have opions on what ” manly-seaeagle” has to say. I am not wanting an insulting reply, but your knowledge or should I say lack there of in regard to BC’s logging industry and hunting laws is quite limited.

“and dont worry about the reef its sweet compared to the destruction you and your stupid american neighbours are doing to the forests and wildlife. just go stand out on the highway for a few minutes and count how many logging trucks pass, full to the top. if it moves shoot it right…..red neck wake up!!” This is your quote.
BC has limited entry hunting draws, for the exact reason as to not deplete the animals. We know what is plentiful and what is not, and these laws enforce that and make sure no permant damage is done. As for logging , well we are taking the beetle infested trees, and yes some others are included. DO you have any knowledge of the forestry industry? Yah, stand on the highway and watch the trucks go by full of beetle infested wood. It would otherwise will in the forest and die anyhow or be a huge wildfire hazard in the future. As well in the summer the trees that are still green, well the little bugger inside will wake up and fly to MORE tress, causing MORE destruction.When we log areas we are obligated to reforst them. It is also a law. The beetle is beyond anyones control, so don’t bicker to me about that. I am sure you have pests that destroy things on your continent as well, that are out of control. I have pictures of ares that have been clearcut logged and now are beautiful forests again. I grew up on a ranch and my dad shot out meat. I see a gazillion other wild game ALL THE TIME. Also if you must know, I think we NEED to shhot more elk as they cause quite a lot of problems on trees as well. They eat seedling you see…This could be a never ending argument, but I will end it there. I will be enjoying a beer tonight at the Fernie, and will put my money where my mouth is, if you have any other unresearched comments you wish to discuss. Just look foer the long blonde hair. Take care. I do hope you have a wonderful time surfing in the hot sun when you return home. Just please don’t throw insults out about things you obvoisly do not know about. Oh and if I have any SPELLING mistakes..so what. :o