Fernie Talk

Traveling distance

Travelling time from Banff to Fernie varies depending on which route you take…there is an Eastern route (via Hwy #1 […]

Voices: 1 | Posts: 1 | Freshness: 20 years, 10 months ago | Recent Activity by: rudy-admin

Bare Your Butt to Save Bear Butts!

Bare Your Butt to Save Bear Butts! Contest at the Royal Hotel. Wednesday, August 27th. 9pm – midnight. Come on […]

Voices: 2 | Posts: 3 | Freshness: 20 years, 11 months ago | Recent Activity by: elsie

Inner Tubes Wanted

Looking for tractor size inner tubes. Or any other river type floatation device. Email me if you have any for […]

Voices: 2 | Posts: 2 | Freshness: 20 years, 11 months ago | Recent Activity by: herb

jobs in fernie

Hey everyone. Hows it going? I wanted to know my parents live in fernie I have been up there twice. […]

Voices: 3 | Posts: 3 | Freshness: 20 years, 11 months ago | Recent Activity by: savage
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