Get ready to roll up your sleeve! Covid-19 vaccines have arrived and booking for eligible seniors will start on March 8. Please click here for more details and how to book your appointment or book for your loved one.
Premier John Horgan announced phase two of the vaccine roll out and accelerated timelines as more vaccine have become available. The timeline between the first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine has been extended to 16 weeks with the goal of providing all adults with their first dose before the end of July.
Premier Horgan said that while the vaccine plan should provide optimism, it’s crucial that people continue to follow public health guidelines over the coming months.
“Although there is light at the end of the tunnel, we are far from out of this,” Horgan said. “We have months to go. And I want British Columbians to take the good news we’re hearing today with the joy that it deserves, but we need to remind ourselves not just today but next week and next month that we have a long, long way to go.”
During phase two approximately 400,000 people will be immunized from March to mid-April, including seniors, Indigenous peoples and people who live and work in independent living.

Phase Two of the Immunization Plan, eligible populations include:
– Seniors aged 80 and over who were not immunized in phase one
– Aboriginal (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) seniors age 65 and over, Elders and additional Indigenous communities not immunized in phase one
– Hospital staff, community general practitioners, and medical specialists not immunized in phase one
– Vulnerable populations living and working in select congregated settings
– Staff in community home support and nursing services for seniors
Seniors aged 80 and over, and Aboriginal seniors aged 65 and over, can call to book immunization appointments starting on March 8 based on their year of birth. See the details here.