Park Place Lodge

With mixed emotions the Canadian Freestyle Ski Association is announcing today that John Pomeroy, CFSA Sport Development Manager, will be leaving the Association effective today after spending the last few months assisting with the transition to a new organizational structure that consolidates the CFSA’s sport development and high performance staff at its head office in Vancouver, BC.

John has been an employee and/or contractor of the CFSA for over 21 years and has made significant contributions to the sport of freestyle skiing in Canada.

He was responsible for the successful inclusion of freestyle skiing in the Canada Winter Games, for developing and managing what many consider the best officials training program in the world and he has been instrumental in organizing many successful National level events across the country.

John is widely respected throughout all levels of the freestyle skiing community and has been a driving force behind the safe development of our sport.

John has most recently worked on a part-time contract as the CFSA Sport Development Manager after his decision to join the Ottawa Fire Service full-time nearly four years ago.

When World Cup Freestyle moguls and aerials was in Fernie from 2002 – 2005 John was here to work to enjoy the hospitality. He often spoke of how envious he was of those urban folk who moved to Fernie full time and skied all Winter.

The Canadian Freestyle community and family will miss John’s “joie de vivre” and his unique style that made everyone feel part of the freestyle family and share in his very real passion for freestyle skiing. The CFSA extends its best wishes to John as he continues his career as a member of the Ottawa Fire Service and we look forward to seeing him at Freestyle events for many years to come.

Thanks John!

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