Park Place Lodge

Projects to Get Kids Active

Children and youth will be growing their confidence and getting healthier thanks to 34 projects receiving over $500,000 from Columbia Basin Trust’s Basin PLAYS Capital Improvement Grants.

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CBT offers $25,000 to hire an Intern

This program helps create jobs and increases employment opportunities for recent college and university graduates, a workforce that is essential when it comes to meeting the Basin’s current and future business needs

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Do and Learn in Wild Backyards

With patches of snow on the ground, it’s a day for jackets and hoods up to protect ears from the cold. It’s Wednesday, November 14, 2018, and a group of ninth graders is traipsing across an abandoned hay field outside Cranbrook with loppers and shovels in hand to oo and learn in wild backyards.

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Energy Grant for Community Buildings

The new Energy Sustainability Grant from Columbia Basin Trust can help these buildings generate energy, increase energy efficiency and sustainability, and reduce energy costs.

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Trust AGM and BBQ in Fernie

Columbia Basin Trust will be hosting its annual general meeting and community barbeque in Fernie on September 21. Both events are open to the public.

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