As a result of the Arena tragedy, the Fernie Ghostriders have moved all home games to the Sparwood Arena until further notice.
The Ghostriders commented, “The board, staff and players of the Fernie Ghostriders send their heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of those lost in the incident at the Fernie Memorial Arena today. We are deeply saddened by the news, and our thoughts and love are with you.”
The facility was closed at the time and no players or staff were injured in this tragic event.

The Fernie Ghostriders would like to extend a huge thank you for the immediate assistance to our team. Your thoughtfulness and consideration for the team is truly amazing.
To the District of Sparwood Leisure Centre staff, the welcoming to your facility was second to none. We really appreciate how you have went the extra mile to make us feel like we are at home. A special thank you to Sheri Taylor who has went above and beyond to help us and have everything so well organized, everyone on our team as commented as to how you made us feel welcomed, meeting us the first practice and just being there, thank you! Also, the District has allowed us to put a C-Can at the arena and connect to the internet in order for us to have our webcasts. A big thank you to Isoceles for hooking us up!
To the Causeway Bay for helping us out with our ice requirements. This will be a huge help for us to serve our customers, thank you so much!
Cummins Creek Containers, Rayco Steel and Apex! Thank you so much! The C-Can will help our team so much, being able to store our hockey gear, truly amazing!
And a general overall thank you to all of Sparwood! Thank You for welcoming our team to Sparwood, your kindness is so appreciated! This has helped our team feel like they are home and cared for!