Park Place Lodge

 1)    Development Variance Permits

A Hearing was held to consider submissions from persons who deem their interest in property could be affected by the proposed Development Variance Permit No. 202.


After the Hearing, Council approved the issuance of DVP No. 202 for 641-10th Avenue to legalize the siting of the front addition to the existing single detached dwelling, maximum eave projection for a front addition, maximum open porch and eave projection for an open porch; maximum projection for the steps attached to the open porch; the siting of the rear open porch and to increase the maximum projection into the front yard for steps to the front addition.


A Hearing was held to consider submissions from persons who deem their interest in property could be affected by the proposed Development Variance Permit No. 238.


After the Hearing, Council approved the issuance of DVP-238 for the Coal Creek Realignment application to vary a service requirement outlined Service Level 3 to enable the realigned Coal Creek Road proposed to be located to the north of the closed landfill site to have a gravel surfaced roadway.


2)    Mining Association of BC

Ms. Zoë Carlson, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Mining Association of British Columbia was in attendance to provide an overview of the State of the Mining Industry in BC.

Ms. Carlson also announced that Fernie has been chosen to host the 2010 Provincial Mine Rescue Competition.



3) Community Eco Garden

Ms. Meredith Funston and Ms. Dawn Deydey provided an overview of the Community Eco Garden to date, as well the planned growth for the project and current challenges associated with the existing garden space. The group is currently applying for additional funding from the Federal Government’s EcoAction program and would like Council’s support.


Council will provide a letter of support to the Community Eco Garden for their application to secure additional funding and further, will work the group to identify potential lands for additional garden plots.



4)            Bylaws

Bylaw No. 2111, cited as 2009 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw was adopted.  This bylaw will exempt from taxation the property at 1101-2nd Avenue. (property currently held by the Fernie Child Care Society)



5) Passenger Transportation Board

Council expressed their concerns regarding an application from Hallcon Crew Transport Inc. from Toronto, ON who has applied to be the permanent authority to provide crew transport for CP Rail in the Elk/Valley and to the BC/Alberta Border.  This service is currently provided locally and employs local people.  If Hallcon is successful it may have negative impacts on local businesses and workers. 


Council authorized a letter of support for inclusion into Kootenay Taxi’s submission to the BC Passenger Transportation Board outlining the City’s concerns with the proposed application by the Hallcon Crew Transport Inc.



6)            Christmas Vouchers

            Council authorized Christmas Vouchers for all full time, casual employees and paid on call volunteers in appreciation and recognition of their service with the City.

              The vouchers are only redeemable at Fernie Businesses.



7) Canadian Pacific Holiday Train

            Council authorized a donation of $1500 dollars to ‘The Salvation Army Food Bank’ to provide support and assistance to people in need in Fernie over the holiday season.





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