Park Place Lodge
Chair and Vice Chair

Two familiar faces will continue to be at the helm of the Regional District of East Kootenay Board of Directors for the coming year following the annual Chair and Vice Chair elections.

Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay was elected for this 13th term as Chair by acclamation. “The past year has been another dynamic one for our Board. I continue to thoroughly enjoy working with the Vice Chair, Board, managers and RDEK staff collectively serving this incredible region,” says Gay. “Our Board has developed strong, respectful working relationships and I’m looking forward to another productive year.” The Electoral Area C Director has been on the Board since 2005 and is the RDEK’s longest serving Chair.

Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok was elected by acclamation as Vice Chair for a fourth year. “I am grateful for the continued confidence and support of my fellow directors in re-electing me,” says Clovechok. “I have learned a tremendous amount over the past three years and am honoured and energized by being able to work on behalf of the residents of our region in this capacity.”

The elections took place during the RDEK Board Meeting on November 10.

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