Park Place Lodge

The Regional District of the East Kootenays Area A Board Highlights for January.

Funding Approved for Fernie Arena Refrigeration System Replacement
The RDEK has approved a $100,000 Community Works Fund Grant for the City of Fernie. The funds will help offset the costs associated with the replacement of the refrigeration system at Fernie Memorial Arena.

Application to be Submitted for Lower Hosmer Flood Mitigation
An application will be submitted to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Rural and Northern Communities for the Lower Hosmer Flood Mitigation Project. The proposed project would involve construction of a 1.2km dike in lower Hosmer along with channel excavation and improvements in and adjacent to Mine Creek. If the project receives capital funding, any ineligible or additional costs would be funded through the Area A Flood Control Service.

Area A Discretionary Grants-in-Aid
• The Joan Delich Kindergym Society – $500 from the Electoral Area A DGIA account to help offset operational costs.
Fernie Chamber of Commerce – $3,000 from the Electoral Area A DGIA account for the 2019 Griz Days festival.

CBT Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program
Funding Application Deadline: Monday, January 21, 2019 – 2:00 pm
Late applications cannot be accepted. Here is the link to the online funding application and other information on the program.

2019 Volunteer of the Year Nomination Deadline:
Thursday, January 31, 2019
See the Volunteer Awards page on the RDEK’s website to download a hard copy of the nomination form or use the new online nomination form here.

Solid Waste Management Plan Review & Initial Survey
Dealing with our garbage and recycling is one of the RDEK’s largest budget items and these services affect every resident and property owner in the East Kootenay. The RDEK is currently reviewing its Solid Waste Management Plan. Whether you live in a rural area or a municipality, this process affects you.

Please fill out our introductory survey by Feb. 25, 2019. It will give us valuable information about how you currently use the system and some of your thoughts about possible future options for our garbage & recycling services that could be investigated with regard to costs and implications. To fill out the survey, contact the RDEK or visit:

Later this spring, watch for a follow up survey that will summarize the results of this survey, present some costs and further information for your feedback.

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