In case you missed the announcement, a provincial election has been called for October 24th. You can vote by mail, phone or in person. Mail-in and phone voting is safe and secure and voting in person can also be done safely.

Follow this link to Elections BC to:
• Register to vote
• Request a vote-by-mail package
• Register as a future voter

Elections BC is closely monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic and taking all necessary steps to ensure the next provincial election remains safe and accessible for all voters.

So, will I have to leave my house to line up and vote?
Not if you don’t want to. There will be advance voting and the opportunity to vote by mail or phone.

“There will be ample new opportunities through advance voting as well as mail-in ballots to ensure that people can participate in our democratic process from the comfort of their own home,” Horgan said.

During a pandemic, vote by mail is a good option for voters with underlying health conditions and for voters who do not wish to vote in person at a voting place.

You will need to provide your name, date of birth, address, and one of the following identification numbers:
– your B.C. driver’s licence number,
– your B.C. Identification Card number,
– the last six digits of your Social Insurance Number, or
– the last six digits of your Personal Health Number.

To request a vote-by-mail package, you will also be asked to provide an email address or telephone number where you can be reached.

What about by phone?
Voting by phone will only be an option for at-risk voters and those who cannot vote another way. This includes people with disabilities or underlying health conditions as well as those living in a hospital or long-term care facility.

I’d rather vote in person on Oct. 24. Will it be safe?
Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has been working with Elections BC to ensure voting in person can be done safely, and Chief Electoral Officer Anton Boegman said voters will not have to choose between safeguarding their health and exercising their right to vote.

Pandemic voting protocols include:
– Physical distancing.
– Capacity limits.
– Election officials wearing personal protective equipment such as masks and face shields.
– Protective barriers.
– Hand sanitizing stations.
– Frequent cleaning of voting stations and frequently touched surfaces.

Elections BC says voters will be encouraged to wear a mask to help protect others, and will not be asked to remove their masks. Voters will be asked to sanitize their hands before and after marking the ballot.

Other voting practices are also going to be a little different. For example, voters will be asked to make a verbal declaration of their eligibility instead of signing a voting book. They also can bring their own pen or pencil to mark their ballot.

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