Park Place Lodge

Fernie has been blessed as of late with live music throughout town. Many acts have come through in the past months with varied styles appealing to every audience. The Wednesday Night Summer Social Concert Series continues to bring in bands from Vancouver, Calgary etc. in a relaxed outdoor setting. The beginning of summer also saw the addition of a new portable stage, which has since been used at events such as the Canada Day celebrations, the Fernie 3 bike event, the Summer Socials and the Feel Good Fernie Yoga and Wellness Festival.

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While there has been numerous out-of-town singers/bands touring through, two born and bred local sensations have been highlighted at several events across downtown. Linden Gigliotti and Michelle Power have both grown up in Fernie and greatly enjoy playing in their home-town. Between the two, they have played shows at the Summer Socials, The Brickhouse, The Fernie Hotel and Infinitea.

Lindin Gigliotti at the Sunday Summer Social

Lindin Gigliotti at the Sunday Summer Social

Michelle Power at The Brickhouse

Michelle Power at The Brickhouse

Linden, who has been writing music for the past 6 years, accredits much of his success to his home-town support. “Fernie has always been my home and I feel so lucky I have spent all of my time writing, recording and most importantly, performing here. On July 11th I released my first EP ‘Trails’ and thanks to all the local businesses and Sunday Socials I’ve been given a few shots to share my music quite consistently. As I said, Fernie has always been home and it’s an honour to play my music here.”

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“My favourite part about playing is performing and if I can get anyone to dance at any point it’s the best feeling ever. Infinitea was the first place I played and it is a great start for everyone! I love the environment around Fernie and the amount of passion people have for music. It’s the perfect town to get comfortable with performing for people. And I can’t wait for my next show!” Says Michelle, who has played music in Fernie for the last 8 years.

Michelle at Infinitea

Michelle at Infinitea

Catch both Linden and Michelle’s sets at the Fernie Hotel this Saturday evening.

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