Members of the RDEK’s Regional Fire & Rescue Services have deployed to support the BC Wildfire Service’s structural protection efforts in affected communities to the north and west. Wildland firefighting crews are not equipped or trained to for structural fires so they work with structure protection personnel, whose function is to protect and mitigate structures that may be threatened by wildfire.
“One of our tenders and two members of the Columbia Valley Rural Fire & Rescue Service are currently in Parson supporting sprinkler protection efforts on the Dogtooth FSR fire,” says RDEK Protective Services Manager, Christina Carbrey. “In addition, a team of five from the Elk Valley & South Country Rural Fire and Rescue Service has deployed to the Argenta area in the Regional District of Central Kootenay.”

The teams will be focused on setting up and maintaining sprinkler protection systems. “We know how important the work that our teams are doing is, and the difference it makes for those people living closest to the fires knowing every effort is being made to help protect their homes from wildfire. We are so grateful to our members who, without hesitation, answered the call,” adds Carbrey.
While the cooler weather has resulted in decreased activity on the active fires within the RDEK, fire behaviour is expected to increase this week with the return to hot and dry conditions. Currently, there are two Evacuation Orders in effect in relation to the Ravens Head and Mt Morro wildfires in the RDEK. The latest updates on the fire can be found on www.bcwildfire.ca.