Park Place Lodge

Fernie resident Kerri Wall is the Green Party candidate for Kootenay East. Wall says she feels qualified to be the MLA from her experience working with Interior Health with the Healthy Communities Program.
She commented that her Interior Health experience will bring first hand perspective to government. “I’ve worked at the provincial level and the local level and of course, with COVID,” Wall says. “My position as a health authority employee during this pandemic has been very enlightening. I have a lot of knowledge and a lot I can bring to the role.”

Mental health and addictions are a priority in the election, which she said are the number one chronic issue in the Elk Valley and Kootenay East. “There can be changes made around a safe supply of opioids, decriminalizing these things would go a long way towards reducing the stigma and helping people get the services they need.”

If elected, Wall also wants to focus on resolving housing and poverty issues in the local riding. “You probably know that the Provincial government brought forth BC’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy,” she says. “I’d love to push forward some of the initiatives from that. Specifically around housing and childcare, those are often the two most expensive items that families have in their budget.”

“The BC Greens really believe in the idea of income supports. People shouldn’t be left behind in an economic recovery,” she said.

Wall will be running against Liberal candidate Tom Shypitka and Wayne Stetski with the NDP.

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