
Kootenay residents have been promised repeatedly by successive governments and in the Province’s own Environmental Assessment process, that the final decision on the controversial Jumbo Resort will be made locally, based on open public input and process.

After nearly two decades, the proponents have yet to apply for the most basic permit that would allow the discussion on the resort to proceed:  rezoning.

The environmental assessment process received public submissions that showed overwhelming opposition to the project, and resulted in the clear direction that rezoning by the Regional District of East Kootenay will be required if the project is to proceed.

Minister George Abbott promised a local decision in October, 2004, and Minister Ida Chong reaffirmed this in her statements of November, 2007.

Glacier Resorts Ltd.’s proponent Grant Costello has demonstrated that promoters of the resort have no intention of being subjected to a local decision. This is evidenced in their attempt to build a temporary lift with no zoning for the lift, incomplete First Nations’ consultation, and no public notification. Costello has admitted that they intend to seek invocation of Bill 11 to acquire a permit for the resort that would circumvent a local decision.

No permits for moving forward with resort construction are in place and conditions of the Conditional Environmental Assessment Certificate have not been met. Kootenay residents intend to hold the provincial government to their word, a decision by the people of the Kootenays.

Dave Quinn
Kimberley, BC

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