Park Place Lodge

We may all have stories of when and how we realised the importance of Labour Day and the support staff in our daily lives – the labourers, servers, cleaners, tradesmen, healthcare workers and everyone else here in our beautiful mountain town.

This year in particular we are tremendously grateful to the people serving on the frontlines of COVID-19 in essential services. This includes healthcare workers, first responders, grocery store clerks, gas station attendants, postal employees, delivery drivers, auto mechanics, and so many more. Not only are they ensuring we have essential care, supplies, and services, but they are often doing it while interacting with members of the public who could potentially make them ill.

The simplest way to be appreciative and thank someone is also the easiest way – just say thank you. When you encounter a service provider, express your appreciation. Be kind and ask how they are. Not only are they dealing with their own worries and frustrations, they sometimes have to face the worry, frustration, and anger of the people they are serving. That’s a lot to handle. Let them know you are grateful for their dedication and sacrifices.

Be thankful on Labour Day!

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