The Fernie Ghostriders will begin their home season this Friday at the Fernie Memorial Arena playing against Sicamous with Dale Hladun as their Head Coach and General Manager. Dale is, better known as Duner, signed with the Riders this spring for the 2013/14 season and has been in the coaching and hockey camp business for about twenty years now. Duner has had stops in several different towns including Bozeman, Quesnel, Cowichan, Comox and most recently he spent eight and a half years with the Princeton Posse where he turned pretenders into contenders in short order.

We asked Dale what his thoughts were on coming to Fernie to work with the Ghostriders Hockey Club?
Dale Hladun. “First off, I am honoured that the Ghostrider organization has offered me the opportunity to be at the helm of the hockey operations of their club. I am very familiar to how well respected and run this organization is due to my connections and involvement as an opposing club in both the KIJHL and the AWHL.”
Ghostriders:? What are your thoughts on your time in Princeton?
Dale Hladun “I had been in Princeton for over 8 seasons and am very proud of the accomplishments we made during my tenure. In fact this past season, we just finished re-establishing new franchise records for wins (34) and points (70), finishing 4th overall in the KIJHL for wins and 6th overall for points.
Other accomplishments include:
* 2 Alum drafted by NHL clubs and 2 more attending NHL fall tryout camps.
* 3 former players won the Royal Bank cup. (1 with the Aurora Tigers and 2 with the Penticton Vees.)
*Posse alum in NCAA finals (Mike Garteig, Quinnipiac)
* Alberta College Athletic Conference Champions (1 alum on 2013 ACAC champs NAIT, 1 alum on 2012 ACAC champs Augustana and 5 alum on 2011 ACAC champs Mount Royal College.)
* First ever Division championship for Posse franchise.
Rider News, Do you think it will be hard to recruit players to the Fernie Ghostrider organization?
Dale Hladun “I am confident in my abilities to successfully recruit and to coach in the KIJHL as per the success we had in Princeton. However, I look at Fernie as a whole new opportunity for success due to the quality of the organization, the support of the fans and the community, and the thirst of this place to be a champion! I believe there are only a sprinkling of organizations in Jr. B hockey that can honestly say, they have the potential and the many assets to contend for a championship every year. Fernie is definitely among that very small group!
Rider News, when do you think you will be moving to Fernie?
Dale Hladun “I am currently living in Princeton, but plan to be living in Fernie on or before, June 30th. I that time before I move, I must coordinate and set up our fall tryouts, a “Ghostrider” hockey school, contact the current players, and start contacting potential players for this club.
I look forward to meeting the people of the community and being involved within my new place to call home, Fernie.