The annual election of RDEK Chair and Vice Chair was held at the Regional District of East Kootenay today and Electoral Area C Director Rob Gay has been re-elected as Chair for the coming year.
“I am honoured to have been re-elected as Chair and look forward to serving my eleventh year in this role,” says Gay. “We have an ambitious Strategic Plan and a busy year ahead. I am eager to continue to work with Vice Chair Clovechok, my fellow Directors and staff as we move this region forward.”
Two Directors were nominated for Chair: Gay and Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok, with Gay winning the Chair’s seat in a 10-5 vote. The Electoral Area C Director has served on the Board since 2005 and is the RDEK’s longest serving Chair.

Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok was then nominated and elected by acclamation as Vice Chair. “I have learned a great deal over the past year. I am eager to continue to expand my leadership experience on the regional board and work hand-in-hand with Chair Gay and my fellow Directors in support of our region.” This will be Clovechok’s second term as Vice Chair.
The elections are held annually by the RDEK Board.
The RDEK Board of Directors also adopted its Strategic Plan for the coming year. The Plan includes four key areas of focus: Economic Health, Management Excellence, Safety and Preparedness and Governance Excellence. The Strategic Plan will be posted on www.rdek.bc.ca under the About tab.