Fernie’s current snowpack sits at a 30 year average and the long range forecast suggests that La Niña plans to stay around until spring. La Niña, weather phenomenon originating in the the Pacific Ocean, has a history of producing a cold and snowier winter in Western Canada!
This is great news for skiers and sledders however lots of people are struggling with the snow. Some peoples bliss is another persons chaos. The skier – pictured above at Fernie Wilderness Adventures – is experiencing sweet dreams!
In the Downtown we’ve seen many people stuck on Fernie’s snowy streets in all type of vehicles. The complaining about snow removal is at an all time high. Roofs need to be shoveled and there’s nobody to hire. Access for essential services is challenging for many and the work force is being negatively impacted by Omicron.
And how will this play out this spring?
Our snowpack accumulation season extends for another three to five months and our current snowpack indicates an increased risk for snowmelt-related flooding this spring.
It appears that our community has become accustomed to a below average snowpack. We do live in Snow Valley!