Park Place Lodge

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ban on events of more than 50 people, the Fernie Chamber of Commerce board of directors voted by resolution at the April 9, 2020 regular board meeting to conduct our AGM on Thursday 21 May at 9:00am virtually using the video conferencing software Zoom.

The format of this year’s AGM will be slightly different as a result. The Fernie Chamber feels it is important to continue to move regular business and provide continuity at this critical time, as the local Fernie business community looks to our organization for guidance through the COVID-19 economic recovery. A full agenda package will be sent to Fernie Chamber members ahead of the AGM (including the 2019 annual report) and voting instructions with a link for the Zoom meeting will form a part of that package.

Fernie Mayor Ange Qualizza, Kootenay East MLA Tom Shypitka, and Kootenay-Columbia MP Rob Morrison will all be on the virtual AGM to give opening remarks. The regular AGM business (including the election of new directors) will then take place – chaired by Fernie Chamber President Anita Palmer. The AGM will conclude with an update from Fernie Chamber Executive Director Brad Parsell, who will be launching the Chamber’s much-anticipated new workforce attraction website and job board. A further press release on this new initiative will be forthcoming after the launch at the AGM.

The agenda for the AGM will be as follows:
9:00am Welcome and opening remarks (Brad Parsell)
Ange Qualizza (Mayor, City of Fernie)
Tom Shypitka (MLA, Kootenay East)
Rob Morrison (MP, Kootenay-Columbia)
9:20am Fernie Chamber 2020 AGM (Anita Palmer)
9:50am Update from Executive Director (Brad Parsell)
10:20am Approximate finish

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