With spring having arrived in Fernie, temperatures are rising, the snowpack is melting, and another ski season is drawing to a close—and Fernie’s bears are emerging from their dens.
As the bears awaken, the Conservation Officer Service (COS) and WildSafe BC are reminding residents to clear their properties of any wildlife attractants. It is far easier to prevent bears from accessing human food than it is to deter them once they’ve acquired a taste for it. Spring presents a crucial opportunity to prevent bears from developing dangerous feeding habits that could ultimately lead to their destruction.
Each year, many bears in Fernie are euthanized due to human behavior; last year was no different. These bears deserve better. Let’s be proactive and eliminate our mistakes. You can help prevent bear destruction by ensuring that your property is free of attractants, such as unsecured garbage, dirty BBQs, and bird feeders. If bears start the season feeding on human food, they will likely be destroyed.
WildSafe BC appreciates your efforts to remove anything that might attract bears to your property and encourages you to persuade your neighbors to do the same.
When using trails, make enough noise to alert bears to your presence and carry bear spray in case you accidentally threaten or startle one. Remember, bears are not interested in humans and only react when threatened or scared.
Trails users are reporting a grizzly sighting near the lower Cattle guard on Swine Flu and a mother black bear and cub on Fairy Creek Trail. Please give these animals space, avoid the trails at dawn and dusk and make noise when you are out there.
For more information, visit www.wildsafebc.com.