Park Place Lodge

Fernie sky’s are busy with helicopter traffic and the hill is amass of equipment as Polar Peak and Currie Bowl are being reshaped to prepare for the new ski lift. This new lift will give Fernie skiers the highest vertical in the Canadain Rockies.

Most locals believe this is the lift that the hill required to best improve the skiing however others reply that this just be another closed lift. When the lift is open, hopefully this winter and very often, the terrain will be mostly expert and ski well! The lift will also provide a strategic position for avalanche control in Lizard and Currie Bowls. The lift will be a fixed grip triple and be powered by diesel engines that will push from the bottom.

RCR has not reported much however have been quoted saying that the views of Banff and Kananaskis Parks behold from Polar Peak. Based on the timing and mountain weather we can only hope that the project proceeds with favour and on schedule for the opening early December!

Here are photos (click to enlarge) form Friday August 28th:

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