Park Place Lodge

Fernie is ready to welcome you to the 31st Annual Griz Days Winter Festival, March 6th to 9th, 2008.

Held each winter since 1978, Griz Days is Fernie’s annual winter festival. The festival celebrates the community’s connection to winter and the legendary mountain man, the Griz —a hero in these parts— who with the help of his musket helps coax the snow from the sky, gracing the region with an astounding annual snowfall of over 29 feet annually.


Core events of the Griz Days Festival are the Mardi Gras Cabaret on Thursday March 6 at the Arts Station; the Griz Days Parade on Friday evening March 7, the Extreme Griz and Junior Griz competitions and the snowmobile races on Saturday March 8; and the highly entertaining Dummy Downhill Race at FAR on Sunday March 9.

If your group or business would like to enter a float in the parade, please register by calling the Fernie Chamber of Commerce at 423-6868 to obtain a float registration form.

Other fun and exciting events are planned throughout the weekend. Stay tuned to your local newspaper and radio station for more details as they become available.

Griz pins will go on sale mid-February and will be available throughout the community. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of Griz pins will go toward Rotary Club initiatives in Fernie.

If you would like to lend a hand, volunteers are needed help distribute Griz Days flyers at the parade on Friday night, and various other tasks. We are also looking for a dedicated individual to assist the Griz mascot for appearances at numerous events prior to and during Griz Days. If you are interested, please call the Fernie Chamber of Commerce at 423-6868.

If you are planning an event or activity for Griz Days, please let the Chamber know soon so we can include it in the promotional materials.

For more detailed Griz Days Festival information,
Please call the Fernie Chamber of Commerce at 250-423-6868
or send an email to:

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