Park Place Lodge

The rumours are true. Fernie Brewing Co. is now all of a growl and not a moment too soon. With the Christmas party season fast approaching, it seemed like prime time to add to their ever increasing array of products available. And this time, it’s a Sustainably & Scrumptiously Straightforward product.

Confused? Many may well be, but not for long. Growler certainly isn’t a universal term by any means, but they are certainly a favourite of many a beer lover. Whether a growler is a new age fandangle or a regular ritual, these 1.98L jugs of beer are nothing short of the bees’ knees. And acquiring one is an undoubtedly simple process, whereby those in need of beer, purchase their very own handsome looking FBC branded Growler Jug from the Store, then get it filled up with their tipple of choice, leaving with a smile on face and a large jug in hand.

With four taps to choose from, beer connoisseurs or experimentalists can switch it up on each return visit, ensuring there is always a new delicious product to enjoy. And when the jug runs dry, it requires but a rinse, return and refill. In short, it’s a simple, cheap, environmentally conscious and fresh way to enjoy FBC beer this winter.

Consumer demand was one of the main reasons FBC decided to embark on this new addition to their lineup, with many a visitor from out of town enquiring about Growlers. Popular in Alberta and in many City Craft Breweries throughout BC, Growlers are a simple yet somewhat ingenious way of buying beer.

Not to mention the benefits from a sustainable point of view. FBC who is situated in an environmentally conscious mountain town, are taking pride in the way their products can now be enjoyed. Direct from tank to keg to jug, with no packaging to deal with and subsequently dispose of. Imagine never being nagged to go to the Bottle Depot again? A deal breaker if ever there was.

So if stuck for Christmas Gift ideas, why not grab that special someone a Growler? It’s the way to many a beer enthusiast’s heart. Simply head to the FBC Store to purchase a jug and a $10 FBC gift certificate which can be redeemed for a fresh fill up of the preferred FBC product. Bob’s your beer loving Uncle finally has a gift!

Growlers are now available and can be purchased during store hours, Mon-Fri, 1-5pm and costs come in at $6.50 for your FBC Jug, $10 per refill.

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