Last night (Thurs April 12th), The Fernie Chamber of Commerce hosted their Annual General Meeting at the Chamber office. They saw a good cross section of their membership turn out. Rachael Bone,Membership Services, extends a thank-you to all those that attended & helped to make the evening a success!
Please welcome the new 2012/2013 Board of Directors:
Returning Directors:
Todd Fyfe- Newly appointed Chamber President
Ryan Doehle- Newly appointed Chamber Vice President
Ev Cutts
Tanya Utenda
Dave Hamilton
Sheila Byers
New Directors:
Phil Gadd- Loaf Bakery
Melissa McKay- Grow Children’s & Maternity
Hal Murdock- Fernie Ford
Tammy Ogden- Teck Coal
Tristan Woods- TD Bank (missing from photo)
Vanessa Croome- Claris Media