Park Place Lodge

The Fernie Chamber of Commerce has announced details of their 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) taking place Thursday, April 20 at the Fernie Golf Club’s Cast Iron Grill. The AGM will be a breakfast event with registrations and networking starting at 8:30am and the AGM itself commencing at 9:30am.

One of the formal agenda items at the AGM will be the election of new board directors. There are six of the twelve board seats up for election this year. Nominations to join the board of directors are now open via the application package on the Fernie Chamber website or, by contacting Wendy directly. Representatives from member businesses and organizations in good standing are encouraged to put themselves forward to represent Fernie’s vibrant business community. Nominations to join the board close a week before the AGM on Thursday, April 13.

The formal part of the AGM will be followed by a presentation by the City of Fernie Planning Department and a Q&A with the membership. Speaker Derek Cimolini has been a member of the City of Fernie team since 2007, spending time with the Engineering and Planning Departments, and is currently the Manager of Planning. Over the last several years, the City’s Planning team has implemented several new initiatives to help increase the affordable and attainable housing stock, including employee housing throughout Fernie. Derek will be presenting on these changes and what they mean, as well as other projects that the City is anticipating in the near future.

Tickets for the event are on sale now on the Fernie Chamber website and are $30 for members in good standing, and $35 for future members and the general public. Registration fee includes a full hot breakfast at the Cast Iron Grill. Tickets must be secured in advance of the event due to limited capacity. Registration closes Tuesday, April 12.

The Fernie Chamber of Commerce would like to thank our AGM sponsors: NWP Coal, Patti’s Party Tent Rental, The College of the Rockies and our Community Builder members: Fernie Fox Hotel and Tourism Fernie. If you are interested in being an AGM Sponsor please contact

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