The Fernie Chamber of Commerce is excited to be partnering with the Sparwood and Elkford Chambers to present an Elk Valley All-Candidates Forum ahead of the upcoming federal election.
The forum will take place at 7pm on Tuesday 14 September online using Zoom and will also be live streamed on the Fernie Chamber Facebook page, where people will be able to watch it afterwards.
The Elk Valley All-Candidates Forum will feature all five candidates running in the Kootenay-Columbia riding – Sarah Bennett (People’s Party of Canada), Robin Goldsbury (Liberals), Rob Morrison (Conservatives, incumbent), Rana Nelson (Greens), and Wayne Stetski (New Democratic Party). The forum will be moderated by Thomas Skelton who is the Vice Principal of Rocky Mountain Elementary School in Elkford.
It is expected the candidate forum will be approximately 1.5 hours in duration. Brad Parsell (Executive Director of the Fernie Chamber) explains, “While the Kootenay-Columbia riding shares many of the same opportunities and challenges, the Elk Valley region certainly has its own unique set of issues that we look forward to hearing the candidates speak to. We thank all the candidates for participating in this important event and encourage everyone to make an informed decision at the ballot box on September 20.” The format will include a 2-minute opening from each candidate, followed by a series of questions posed to each candidate who will have 60 seconds to respond.
A 30-second rebuttal will be granted by the moderator as necessary, and each candidate will have a further two minutes at the conclusion of the evening for closing remarks.
Citizens and businesses in the Elk Valley can send suggestions questions to ask the candidates to brad@ferniechamber.com for consideration. The Executive Directors from the three Chambers will put together the final questions based on these suggestions. Chambers of Commerce in the Elk Valley are non-partisan organizations and do not formally endorse candidates.
To tune into the candidate forum on Zoom:
To tune into the candidate forum on Facebook: