Three dedicated wilderness champions have offered to match your donation for the wild this holiday season, up to $20,000. That means your gift of $60 for grizzlies, clean water and our old-growth forests will be doubled to $120.
The Kootenays are home to grizzlies, wolverines, bighorn sheep and mountain goats. We have one of North America’s most important wildlife corridors and an old-growth inland rainforest that exists nowhere else in the world. Water in our wild rivers is so pure that it sets the standard used around the world for clean water.
But, we’re losing these wild places. Old-growth forests are being cut every day. Rivers are being polluted by open-pit mines. Wildlife are losing their homes.
Will you make a gift to fight for the wild today? We still have time to protect the wilderness we love—before it’s gone.
Please join me to stand up for the wild today—and your gift will be doubled.
For the wild,
John Bergenske
Wildsight Conservation Director