Community Dollars (C$) are now being used in Fernie. Initially launched in April, the local currency was piloted this summer with a small group of businesses and multiple vendors at the Fernie Mountain Market and the Kimberley Village Market with great success. People bought everything from lemonade, cupcakes, hula-hoops and curry to photography services, websites and bike repairs.

“The list of participating businesses and community organizations registered in Fernie and Kimberley is impressive,” said Dawn Deydey, one of Fernie’s Local C$ Coordinators. “Plus, the list is getting longer each day. “
The Community Dollar project offers local businesses a great opportunity to donate to community groups, gain print and web advertising, to encourage local shopping, and to create local currency. All with no Canadian Dollar cost!
To ensure local businesses and community groups get into the first round of the promotional materials they are encouraged to sign up now. Early participation allows businesses and community groups to be included in the promotional campaign taking place in late October.
More information about how C$ system works is available at, where you can also view a list of those businesses and community groups participating and register online. You can also click here C$_Business Registration Form to download the business registration form or here to download the community group registration form.
How Community Dollars work:
Businesses make C$ donations to community groups (No Canadian dollar cost)
Community Groups reward volunteers with C$, exchange C$ for Canadian Dollar donations or spend C$ at local businesses.
Individuals can accept C$ from participating businesses as change, exchange CND$ for C$ with community groups and spend C$ at local businesses.
Businesses set terms and conditions of acceptance of C$ (i.e. only 25% of a purchase can be paid in C$, or only accepted on certain products, or days of the week)
Businesses spend C$ they receive at other businesses, hire local service providers, give staff bonuses or re-donate to community groups.
Community Dollars empowers communities to take control of their economy, support local businesses and community organizations, and increase the overall purchasing power of our entire community. C$ has been launched in Fernie and Kimberley, and will soon be launched in Nelson.
The Community Dollars Development Group, a group of community currency advocates from across the Columbia Basin, has spent the last year setting up the groundwork for the successful launch this local currency.
For more information, or to reach your local representative and to view the list of participating businesses and community groups, just visit or email